Chocolate Birthday Cake Oreo Bark

During the holidays, I ALWAYS make peppermint bark. I make it to give out as gifts to friends and family. Last year Amy and I made a huge batch of it for our entire office. It is one of the easiest things in the world to make. Melt some chocolate, crush some candy canes, throw it on a baking mat or sheet lined with parchment paper and leave in the freezer for a few hours – so simple, yet so amazing. It never occurs to me that I can totally make bark any time of year, with any kind of ingredients. Like Oreo cookies. And sprinkles.

Chocolate Birthday Cake Oreo Bark

Wait. I forgot to mention that these are not your ordinary Oreos. They are BIRTHDAY CAKE Oreos! I am ashamed to admit how long it took me to finally give in and buy these cookies. When Nabisco came out with the birthday-cake-flavored Oreos in celebration of Oreo’s 100th birthday, I saw them everywhere and said a zillion times how I couldn’t wait to try them. But, I never did. So last week I was food shopping at Publix, saw them on the shelf, and grabbed them without even thinking twice. I got home and thought…crap, I’m stuck with these now… I knew there’d eventually be a night of no willpower ending with me stuffing my face with Birthday Cake Oreos. I had a few over the next couple days, and then hid them behind other things in the cabinet to avoid that at all costs. But then they popped out at me again! UGH! Thankfully, I’m a food blogger…which only means one thing: time to bake for the blog!

Chocolate Birthday Cake Oreo Bark

That’s where this Chocolate Birthday Cake Oreo Bark comes in. I melted some Baker’s dark chocolate baking chocolate and crushed half of the remaining Oreos in my food processor, mixed the two ingredients together with some rainbow sprinkles and spread it out on my baking mat. Then I crushed the rest of the Oreos with my hands so the pieces would be larger to go over top of the melted chocolate mixture. A dash more sprinkles to give it some more color and then into the freezer it went. 3 hours later, I had perfectly delicious Chocolate Birthday Cake Oreo Bark! For some odd reason, eating the Oreos when they’re mixed with chocolate sprinkles just sounds a whole lot better than eating the cookies by themselves… Ohh, food blogger logic…

Chocolate Birthday Cake Oreo Bark

1 box Birthday Cake Oreos
12 oz. dark chocolate of your choice
Rainbow sprinkles

Melt chocolate in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds until the chocolate is fully melted. Place half of the Oreos in a food processor and pulse until completely crushed. Add the crushed Oreos and sprinkles to the melted chocolate and combine. Pour mixture onto a baking mat or baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Crush the remaining Oreos with your hands, ensuring large pieces. Top the melted chocolate mixture with the large Oreo pieces and more sprinkles. Place in freezer for at least 3 hours. When you remove the bark, break it up into pieces and keep refrigerated.

Chocolate Birthday Cake Oreo Bark




Hello! I’m Shaina – a Delray Beach, Florida resident, foodie, and lifestyle blogger. I love exploring South Florida and beyond, and sharing everything from my favorite restaurants, products and more with you! See more by following along on Instagram:  @takeabiteoutofboca

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