Have you caught the juice craze yet? I definitely did. Juice bars have been popping up all over Boca, and I’ve definitely had my share of fruits and veggies in liquid form. I love drinking juice during the day, but I was always curious about juice cleanses. A day full of only juice? How can one function on liquid alone with no actual food!? My mind raced with questions… Will the juice taste good? Would I still have energy to function through a normal day? Could I still do my regular workout routine? And most importantly, will I be hungry???
I’m sure anyone who’s getting ready to try a juice cleanse for the very first time has these same thoughts, so I partnered up with a local juice company, My Organic Juice, and tried a one-day cleanse so I could help to answer those questions spinning around in your head. My Organic Juice is a 100% organic raw cold-pressed juice delivery service. All you have to do is place your order online and they deliver bright and early in the morning. They serve all the way from Boynton Beach up to Lighthouse Point. Their juices are made locally right in West Boca using produce from Woolbright Farmers Market. If you’re going to juice, do it right: keep it local, organic, and delicious!
I was super excited to cleanse, and I’m even more excited now that it’s over and I can tell you guys all about it! So let’s get to it, shall we?
I had my first juice of the day at around 8:30 am after I got home from the gym. I did my cardio routine and a super-set of ab work. The first juice, Master Cleanse, has lemon, cayenne, alkaline filtered water and green apple. I am already used to having a similar drink first thing every morning: hot water with lemon and cayenne. You may even have heard of this before; it’s a pretty popular “cleanser” that’s all over the Internet if you Google “detox drink” or anything like that. PS- This juice makes you pee. A lot. How else are you going to get rid of those toxins?!
I started to get hungry around 10:45ish, but work was a little hectic, so I wasn’t able to get to my second juice until closer to 11:30. I guess that’s the bad thing about not eating breakfast before going to work… But, as soon as I took that first sip, my hunger pangs were gone and I felt okay. The second juice, Greens, is full of kale, spinach, cucumber, green apple and pineapple. I liked knowing that I was getting my fill of veggies in this juice. You’d think you’d only be able to taste the greens, but the pineapple added a nice amount of sweetness that really balanced it out. I liked this one, and it really did fill me up when all I had was breakfast on my mind.
I was good to go for the rest of the afternoon. My work ended a little earlier than usual that day, around 3pm, which was the perfect time for juice #3: Wheatgrass High. Eh, this was my least favorite because I’m not a fan of wheatgrass. It also has dandelion, apple, cucumber and lime. I drank this one faster than the others because I wanted to get it out of the way; the lime definitely helped to mask that unpleasant wheatgrass taste. But again, it did its job and I still wasn’t hungry. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t suffering from hardcore cravings at this point.
Then around 4:45, I started to feel a little famished. I wanted to snack on something crunchy and salty. My cravings were finally hitting me… So I had to do something to take my mind off of food. I headed to the library to get some work done (I concentrate better there sometimes) and instead of lusting for pretzels, crackers, or chips, at around 5:30, I popped open juice #4: Gone to Heaven.
OMG this was my favorite of all six drinks. Fennel, cucumber, mint, green apple, parsley and pear… The mint definitely stood out the most, and surprisingly, I enjoyed the licorice-like flavor of the fennel. Paired with all the other flavors in this juice, it made for a really different, but delicious, overall taste. By this time, I was really feeling the effect the juices were having on my body. I felt clean, if that makes any sense. I don’t know how to describe it really, but I just felt…good. Those junky cravings were gone, and I wasn’t even feeling tired.My appetite at this point was kind of nonexistent. I felt like I had to force myself to drink the next drink just to make sure I got it in and was still able to have the final drink at a decent time of night. I was heading to a yoga class at 7:45, so I figured I’d have the 5th juice around 7 and the last one after class, which worked out perfectly. Juice #5 was Go Greens with kale, dandelion, cilantro and green apple. I liked this one better than the first green, probably because of the cilantro. I didn’t finish this juice until a few minutes before yoga. It gave me a good burst of energy for class and I was feeling really good.
The only thing that sucked was that toward the end of class, I had to pee! These juices definitely cause you to visit the ladies room more than usual! As soon as we said our namastes, I bolted, haha. But I have to tell you…I was really feeling great at this point. I wasn’t starving; my stomach made no growling noises at all the whole day! I was, however, anxious to try the last juice of the night. Almond Joy. Sounds like dessert to me! It has raw almonds, raw honey, raw bee pollen, raw coconut flakes and Ceylon cinnamon. This was wonderfully sweet in a very light and natural way. It didn’t feel rich like a slice of chocolate cake or cookie, but still had that same sweet dessert-y feel. What a perfect way to cap off the night!
Welp, there you have it. I made it through a one-day cleanse and I felt AMAZING, especially the next morning. I was able to stick to my normal routine without ever feeling lethargic. Being a food blogger/lover, I’m eating out regularly. Every so often, those uncomfortable feelings of bloating or gassiness occur and it is just not fun. That’s why I’ve decided to do a one-day cleanse once a month to keep my body nice and clean.
My Organic Juice offers a one-day cleanse for $67, three-day cleanse for $191 and a five-day cleanse for $309. You can also order juices individually and sign up for a special program to have your preferred juices delivered on a weekly basis. If this is your first time ordering with My Organic Juice, you can save 5% by entering the promo code FIRST5. You can read all about the individual juices, their ingredients and all of the health benefits on their website. Also make sure to visit them on Facebook!
Disclaimer: I was provided with six juices to do a one-day cleanse in exchange for reviewing the product and writing about my experience. All opinions are my own. Remember that not everyone is cut out to do a juice cleanse. If you have any concerns, please consider speaking with a health professional or doctor before embarking on your own juice cleansing journey.