It’s #CelebrationofChocolate Month!

It’s a good thing Valentine’s Day is in February; it’s Celebration of Chocolate month! No one celebrates chocolate better than the whole Valentine’s Day industry. And with this “holiday” being a mere week away, chocolate is everywhere.

Who knew that February actually really is all about chocolate?! Turns out it isn’t just those crazy lovebirds who go overboard on the chocolate this month, we all get to join! Yay! More excuses to indulge in sweets like these Triple Chocolate S’mores Brownies, Chocolate Coconut Cookies, Chocolate Peppermint Fudge, Chocolate Oreo Bark, Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownies, and Candy Bar Fudge!

I’m much more a dark chocolate person. I like white chocolate, but everyone knows that isn’t real chocolate. And milk chocolate just doesn’t do it for me. The more bitter, the better! Dark chocolate actually carries tons of great health benefits. As long as you limit yourself to about 7 ounces (or 4 dark chocolate bars a week), then you can expect to benefit from these. Dark chocolate has cardiovascular benefits, cutting down the risk of heart failure; it is also more filling and quells cravings. Dark chocolate can reduce your stress hormones and gives your brain power a boost, so having a bar when you’re freaking out over a work or school deadline is 100% okay! The flavonoids in chocolate also help protect your skin from the sun, and it can help to quiet down your coughing to the same effect as codeine (actually, it works better!).

Chocoholics, be warned! You are about to go into a deep chocolate coma. But it’s okay…because we’re celebrating all month long. So just pace yourself. 
But then again…who really can pace themselves when it comes to something as addicting as chocolate? 

What kind of chocolate do you like best? Tell me your favorite chocolate recipes. Let’s all do our best to respect Celebration of Chocolate Month. You wouldn’t want to ignore such an honorable holiday, now would you?

Disclaimer: The health facts about dark chocolate came from an article I found online in Women’s Health Magazine called “The Sweet Side of Chocolate.



Hello! I’m Shaina – a Delray Beach, Florida resident, foodie, and lifestyle blogger. I love exploring South Florida and beyond, and sharing everything from my favorite restaurants, products and more with you! See more by following along on Instagram:  @takeabiteoutofboca

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