Melt Organic Luscious Butter 2.0 Ready Giveaway

I really dislike butter. And not just because it’s fattening and whatnot; I really, truly cannot stand the taste and especially the smell of melted butter. I’m not kidding you. I gag at that smell. I hate it. I won’t use butter in a recipe if it calls for melting it. Not that I ever really use butter anyway, but if I have to melt it…yeah, totally not happening. I’m all for butter alternatives, especially when I have to use butter for baking. My number one choice is always coconut oil. Now that I don’t mind melting. 
Melt Organic Luscious Butter 2.0 Ready Giveaway

But recently I was introduced to something new. A light spread called Melt Organic. Melt is an organic and lactose-free spreadablesubstitute for butter. One of the ingredients is coconut oil, so I was interested in this product right away. There are three versions of this spread: rich and creamy, honey, and chocolate. Ohhh my god. You can slather Melt Organic on bread, use it in place of olive oil for roasting or baking, or replace the butter in your favorite cookie and cake recipes! Can you imagine how much more chocolatey a chocolate cake would be if you used Chocolate Melt Organic?!? Can’t think of a way to use Melt Organic? Check out their website for tons of recipes you can try using the product. While you’re at it, follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, too.

Melt Organic Luscious Butter 2.0 Ready Giveaway

I was invited to join Melt Organic for a special Luscious ‘Butter 2.0″ Reader Giveaway. You can enter to win a Melt Organic prize pack including 2 free VIP coupons for Melt Organic products, a cutting board and spreader. Don’t forget to choose Take A Bite Out of Boca as the blog you followed to enter the giveaway! The giveaway ends on February 28th, so hurry up and enter! Click HERE to enter the Melt Organic Luscious Butter 2.0 Reader Giveaway!

Disclaimer: I was provided with a Melt Organic gift pack including 2 free VIP coupons, a cutting board and spreader. I was not required to take part in this giveaway or write about the product, but I chose to do so. No other compensation was received. The photos shown here are from Melt Organic’s Facebook page. 
As always, all opinions are my own. 



Hello! I’m Shaina – a Delray Beach, Florida resident, foodie, and lifestyle blogger. I love exploring South Florida and beyond, and sharing everything from my favorite restaurants, products and more with you! See more by following along on Instagram:  @takeabiteoutofboca

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