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It’s been 13 years since the tragedy that took place in New York City. Yesterday I talked about how I couldn’t believe how fast the past three years had gone by, but 13?! Kind of hard to believe, isn’t it?
I’m putting a pause on the recipes and restaurant reviews for today, and instead, taking a moment to reflect upon September 11th, remembering all of those who’s lives were lost, and honoring those who put their own lives at risk to help the survivors.
Today everyone is asking, “Where were you on 9/11?” Well, I was in 7th grade computer class. I don’t remember what the lesson was, what program we were working on, or who was sitting next to me, but I do remember my teacher receiving a phone call, rushing to turn on the television, and trying to calmly explain to a room full of 12 and 13 year olds what was going on. Outside our quiet classroom, the Spanish teacher was running amok down the hallways screaming like a mad woman. I am not making this up. I remember it clear as day. She was a nut. But we all got sent home after that and I would assume everyone did the same thing for the rest of the day — sat in front of the TV with their parents wondering what just happened?
13 years later, we all still remember these tiny details about where we were. It was a life-changing event, and we were right there for it.
Be grateful for all that you have today, because you never know what tomorrow will bring.