Dinner at Oceans 234

I consume an awfully large amount of seafood. If you were to ask me what kind of seafood I eat most, I would definitely say fish. I used to barely eat it at all. I was so picky — I think the only fish I liked was flounder or tilapia, something totally bland and ordinary. […]
Celebrating the Holidays at Brook’s Restaurant

You know those people I always talk about, the ones who devour all my baked goods at work week after week, and beg for more? We all got to dress up and join together this past weekend for our company holiday party. We weren’t snacking away on cookies and brownies this time; instead it was […]
BFFs Reunite…in the Kitchen!
I can’t believe I’ve been out of high school for six years. When I look back at who I was then, compared to who I am now, I see quite a difference. Most of the people who were my “best friends” in high school aren’t even in my life anymore and haven’t been for a […]
Sushi Review! Tamarind Asian Grill and Sushi Bar
There are so many sushi restaurants down here that it can be hard to decide on a place to go. How do you tell the difference between a place that is actually good or is just another general sushi restaurant? It’s good that I have friends and family with good taste to give me recommendations, […]
Mom’s Visit to Boca: Brio, Two George’s. DaDa’s
Mother-daughter relationships are interesting. When you’re in middle and high school, you don’t want anything to do with your mom. Then you go to college and you start to tolerate her more, mostly because you aren’t living with her anymore. Then you graduate college and move out on your own, in my case many states […]
Guest Blog from my Dad!
My dad paid me a visit this past week. While we did have a couple nice dinners out, which I will be sure to blog about soon, he ventured out on his own for lunch during the day while I was working. Much to his surprise, he found a little place in Deerfield Beach that […]