Happy 1st Birthday, Take A Bite Out of Boca!

One year ago today, Take A Bite Out of Boca was born. It’s hard to believe a year has gone by since I started to really get into food blogging. Sure, I had been writing already, but on December 6, 2011, I bought my domain name and it became official. It’s kinda crazy that the […]

Holiday Baking

I used to be the only baker at work. A few months ago, a new manager was hired and I could finally take a break! Not that I didn’t love baking for the office just about every week. It was nice to have someone there who shared my hobby. Amy started off with a bang […]

My Newfound Love for Soup

I’ve been on a soup kick lately. I never used to be a big soup person — except for Bubby’s matzo ball soup and the crab bisque at The Crab Trap back in Somers Point, New Jersey; never been one to get excited about soup. Maybe it’s the time of year, or… maybe I’m just […]

Homemade Sushi

I really want to take cooking classes. While I’ve been able to learn a lot from other bloggers, my Bubby, my parents and from reading lots of food magazines, there is still so much that I don’t know. One of the things I’ve always wanted to do is make my own sushi. Publix offers classes, […]

Thanksgiving recap & holiday baking to look forward to

People don’t waste any time going from one holiday to the next. Thanksgiving JUST happened and already there are Christmas lights up and grocery stores are stocked with eggnog, candy canes and fruitcake (eew!). We haven’t even had time to take off our fat pants from that over-indulgent turkey day dinner — which is good, […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today gives us a chance to think about all the things for which we are thankful. The people in our lives, the places we’ve traveled, our jobs, health, happiness, the experiences that keep coming and coming each and every day. I am thankful to my family for supporting my decision to move to Florida. Last […]

BFFs Reunite…in the Kitchen!

I can’t believe I’ve been out of high school for six years. When I look back at who I was then, compared to who I am now, I see quite a difference. Most of the people who were my “best friends” in high school aren’t even in my life  anymore and haven’t been for a […]

A New Discovery: Kee Grill

Bubby and I went out to dinner on our weekly dinner date and as she was telling me how to get there, we pulled into the same little plaza where my favorite Starbucks is. I’ve gone to the same Starbucks since I started working at my job in January and I never ever noticed that […]

Sushi Review! Tamarind Asian Grill and Sushi Bar

There are so many sushi restaurants down here that it can be hard to decide on a place to go. How do you tell the difference between a place that is actually good or is just another general sushi restaurant? It’s good that I have friends and family with good taste to give me recommendations, […]

EraClean Refrigerator Deodorizer From Best&First, Better than Chill Bill

Many people wonder why there is always an indescribable odor come out when opening the fridge door. Scientisely, the kinds of odors that are plaguing your fridge are caused by molecules of what we’ll call bacteria and molds, which are tranformed from your food and float in the air, circulating in that small, enclosed space. […]

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